
should I cook again today?

Plan your meals with your own recipes and let our app do the rest.

It’s easy, fun, and hassle-free.

Plan on the couch!

Plan on the couch

Say goodbye to last-minute decisions and hello to a week full of favorite dishes

Eat healthy and varied food!

Healthy and varied

Say goodbye to boring routines and say hello to delicious variety and balanced nutrition!

Good for you and everybody!

Good for you & everybody

Save time on decision making, money on wasted leftovers, which helps saving the environment!

Main Features

  • Choose a dish for each weekday
  • Onceweek collects your dishes in a recipe book
  • Use categories for balance and variety
  • Add ingredients to generate a shopping list
  • All family members with a phone join in
Non Profit Project

Onceweek is a

Non-Profit Project

Onceweek is Non-Profit

Our app is a non-profit project that offers you a high-quality service at cost price! We respect privacy and you are welcome to take part in the app’s future development.

There will always be a free version as we only charge fees for advanced features (multi device syncing, ai support, etc.).

We don’t charge fees other than to cover our production costs. We expect shrinking fees with more users.

There will be no vendor lock-in and no selling of your data.

For more information, see our white paper.

Check out our subreddit and join our community.


What do I need onceweek for?

Do you constantly ask yourself: What should I cook today?

With onceweek, you take a quick look at the list of your favorite dishes and choose:

  1. Hamburger -> Monday
  2. Spaghetti Bolognese -> Tuesday
  3. Pancakes -> Wednesday
  4. etc...

Would you prefer pancakes on Tuesday?

In the calendar you simply drag a dish from one day to the next. onceweek can do a lot more: For example, you can copy entire weekly plans back and forth.

And onceweek will compile a shopping list for the coming week (or longer) at any time.

Your family or flatmates can also use the app. Everything is shared live.

How does it work (for dummies)?

onceweek offers a

  • recipe book (for your dishes)
  • cookbook (for reference)
  • calendar (the meal plan)
  • shopping list

You can enter a dish directly in the calendar. As you type, onceweek tries to offer you the right dish from your recipe book or from the cookbook.

For a new dish, simply enter the name of the dish. If you add the ingredients, they will also be displayed in the shopping list. Without ingredients, only the name (and the day) of the dish is displayed.

You can find all your dishes in your recipe book. From here, you can directly populate the week that is currently displayed in the calendar.

Ok, how do I get started?

Sign up with an email. The app starts in the calendar. Tap on a day of the week and start entering your favorite dishes.
If you have the time and inclination, enter the ingredients too, because then you'll also get a more detailed shopping list.

Your first week is done! Your dishes will automatically end up in the recipe book and your shopping list will be created immediately.

By the way, we recommend that you download the recipe database from the cloud at the beginning. This saves you having to enter generally known recipes (such as pancakes).

How do I create a weekly meal plan?

You can swipe up and down through the weeks in the calendar and enter a meal in the plan on any day. So you can plan as far into the future as you like. Theoretically, you can also plan into the past if you need an alibi, for example.

Or you can open your recipe book and select the calendar symbol at the top right. You can then assign a recipe to each day of the week (currently open in the calendar). This gives you a quick overview of what is possible and you can click together your weekly meal plan.

You can copy entire weeks using the copy & paste function. If your family loved last week's menu, simply copy the week.

What is this cookbook in the cloud?

We have created an extensive database of recipes for you. If you like, you can download it to your phone.

When you start entering a dish in the calendar, you will be offered the cloud recipes as well as your own. If you choose one, the recipe is automatically transferred to your recipe book. There you can also modify it as you wish.

How can I involve my family?

Everyone in your household can log in with your email and (like you) check and change the calendar. The whole thing can be seen in real time on all devices.

You're at the supermarket and don't know what's left at home? Let someone at home to go through the shopping list and cross off what's already there. You can follow the whole thing live in the supermarket...

Why is there no field for the quantity of ingredients?

If we take the quantity into account, the whole thing becomes much more complicated: How many people does the quantity apply to? Is there anything left at home?

To estimate the quantity, you can see in the shopping list on which days the corresponding dish is planned.
For example:

Thursday -> Grandma always eats with you -> you have to buy more than usual

However, we can well imagine adding quantities to onceweek in the future. Let's wait and see how high the demand is...

So, is onceweek for free or not?

For now onceweek doesn't cost anything. As long as we can keep our IT infrastructure in the free tier, it will stay that way.

If we ever go beyond the free tier, then that's a good sign: There is obviously a great demand.

Then we will start charging fees. Presumably only for live synchronization. Because that incurs costs. The fees will initially only have to cover the infrastructure costs and later (if required) the staff costs for the further development of the project.

It is difficult to say how much this will be. It depends very much on how many users share the costs and how much we want to invest in further development. Perhaps a few euros a year?

As we don't want any investors, there's no pressure to make a profit. It should be a permanent product at cost price. Take a look at our white paper for more details.

But we are also dependent on your help: We have no budget for advertising. Please recommend us to others!

How are you a non-profit?


profit = income - expenses

income = expenses

We don't want to pay capital gains. We want to pay our team well and still need some money for the infrastructure. We probably also need to put some money aside for emergencies and larger investments in the long run.

What we don't need to do: Maximize profits to make investors happy.

Take a look at our white paper for more details.

Why should I support you?

  1. we offer you a product at a very fair price: the cost price.
  2. we work for you and not a company that places ads.
  3. the more users share the costs, the cheaper we become for everyone.

Take a look at our white paper for more details.

If you want to support us, write us a good review in the App Sore and recommend us to others.

And how can I support you?

  1. write us a good review in the App Store (5 points please 😬)
  2. recommend us!
  3. recommend us!

What makes you different from other start-ups?

We work non-profit!

We have no investors and don't need to maximize profits.

We don't want to become rich, we just want to be paid fairly.

Take a look at our white paper for more details.

Why do you use Google Firebase in the background?

Things always turn out differently than you think. The current app was actually intended as a prototype (proof-of-concept). Google Firebase is a simple, capable with a free tier.

But even in the prototype, we made sure that Google Firebase could be removed. We are already looking in various directions for replacements. For example, we find MongoDB and the Veilid framework interesting.

How can I delete my data?

To delete all your personal data, there is an revoke privacy consent function in the app settings:

Home tab > Settings (cog at the top left) > Click Revoke Privacy Agreement

If you no longer have the app installed, you can also simply log in in your browser.

This will also delete your account. Some anonymized data will not be deleted immediately. Please refer to our privacy policy for details.

How can I delete my data?

To delete all your personal data, there is an revoke privacy consent function in the app settings:

Home tab > Settings (cog at the top left) > Click Revoke Privacy Agreement

If you no longer have the app installed, you can also simply log in in your browser.

This will also delete your account. Some anonymized data will not be deleted immediately. Please refer to our privacy policy for details.

About Us

We are a family with kids. And we know ourselves how hard it can be to get good meals on the table, while coping with a busy job.

We grew tired of this struggle, and decided to look for a solution. to find a solution: The onceweek app comes from our real life. It helps us a lot and it should help you too.



Software Developer

I am a full stack developer and a tech nerd, who likes the cooking. But preparing a daily meal is something tedious. At some point we had to acknowledge, how big of an issue meal planning actually had become.

Once it was clear, I figured this problem required a software solution. Now, I hope it helps you, as it has helped us.

Viola Avatar


Marketing and UX

I work in marketing, which is quite a busy job. I have always enjoyed cooking, but with the constant time pressure it becomes just another todo.

First I was skeptical, that an app could help us. But meal planning has become a breeze compared to before. And the cooking is much more fun.

Legal Notice / Impressum

Information in accordance with German Section 5 TMG:

Mathias Münscher
Kiehlufer 45
12059 Berlin


E-Mail: info at onceweek.app

Responsible for content in accordance with German 55 Abs. 2 RStV:

Mathias Münscher
Kiehlufer 45
12059 Berlin

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Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:

Mathias Münscher
Kiehlufer 45
12059 Berlin

E-Mail: info at onceweek.app

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:

Mathias Münscher
Kiehlufer 45
12059 Berlin


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Have any questions
or issues?

Contact Us:
info <at> onceweek.app

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